Everyone had spent two hours going through hair and makeup and getting dressed in our period costumes when that happened.

That was my last day of work as a background actor before Hollywood shutdown on March 13.
March 12 was the last time I saw my mom; the last time I ate out.
March 13 my son's school said they would close for 3 weeks.
March 14 my gym closed.
March 15 my jobs on the 16, 17, and 18 were cancelled.
The value of my 401k collapsed over the course of three weeks
That was the bad news.
The good:
•I finally have emergency supplies for the next big earthquake
•not having to fight with my son over homework
•taking walks with my wife daily through our empty neighborhood streets
•having something to discuss with my teenagers that they are actually interested in
•amazing signs of community
•learning to adapt to a new reality
I will post every two days what interesting (and hopefully uplifting) things I have heard or seen regarding the Covid-19, how it affects me me, my family, and my fellow background actors, and how I and/or we have adapted.
I hope that you find it interesting and look forward to your comments and questions.
Take care everyone.